Chapter 1 - Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence .
1850 - Introduction of Railways .
1852 - First Postage Stamp
1853 - First Train in India ( Run From Bombay to Thane ).
1869 - Opening of Suez canal . 1881 - First Population census Conducted under British Rule .
1907 - Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO) . 1921 - Year of Great Divide ( Second Stage of Demographic Transition in India ) .
1932 - Tata Airlines , A Division of Tata and Sons . Chapter 2 - Five Year Plan in India : Goals and Achievements .
1950 - Planning Commission
2015 - Planning Commission Replaced by "NITI AAYOG"
Plan & Periods -
1951 To 1956 - First Five Year Plan
1956 To 1961 - Second Five Year Plan
1961 To 1966 - Third Five Year Plan
1969 To 1974 - Fourth Five Year Plan
1974 To 1979 - Fifth Five Year Plan
1980 To 1985 - Sixth Five Year Plan
1985 To 1990 - Seventh Five Year Plan
1992 To 1997 - Eighth Five Year Plan
1997 To 2002 - Ninth Five Year Plan
2002 To 2007 - Tenth Five Year Plan
2007 To 2012 - Eleventh Five Year Plan
2012 To 2017 - Twelth Five Year Plan
2017 To 2022 - Thirteenth Five Year Plan
Chapter 3 - Features,Problems and Policies of Agriculture .
1966 - Green Revolution
1982 - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
Chapter 4 - Strategy of Industrial Growth (1947-1990)
1951 - Industrial ( Development and Regulation ) Act
1956 - Industrial Policy Resolution
1969 - Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Parctices Act ( MRTP ) 1955 - Small Scale Industries Committee ( Karve Committee )
Chapter 5 - India's Foreign Trade & Economic Reforms Since 1991
1991- New Economic Policy
Import Substitution ( Inward Looking Trade Strategy )
LPG was set to Replace LQP
Foreign Exchange Reforms
2017 - Goods and Services Tax (GST)
2016 - Demonetisation
2001 - Removal of Quotas 1948- General agreement on trade and tariff (GATT)
1995 - World Trade Organization (WTO)
2010-11 - Number of Public Sector Reduced -
1. Atomic Energy 2.Railways
Chapter 6 - Poverty & Employment and Unemployment
2011-12 - Poverty Rate Estimated 21.09%
1995 - National Social Assistance Program (NSAP)
Mid-Day Meal Scheme
1962 - Public Distribution System (PDS)
1975 - Integrated Child Development Scheme
Twenty Point Programme
1999 - Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY )
2011 -12 - National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM)
SGSY Reconstructed into NRLM .
2001 - Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana ( SGRY )
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana ( PGY)
1997 - Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana ( SJSRY)
2002 - Jai Prakash Rozgar Guarantee Yojana ( JPRGY)
1993 - Prime Minister Rozgar Yojana ( PMRY )
1974 - Minimum Needs Programme
2005 - Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
2015 - Micro Units Development Refinance Agency Bank ( MUDRA BANK )
2014- Make in India
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana .
1962 - Study group by Planning Commission to Identify Number of Poor in the Country 1979 - Task Force on Projection of Minimum Consumption Demand .
1989 - Expert group 2008 - Prime Minister employment generation programme (PMEGP) 2004- National food for work Programme (NFWP) 1948 - Minimum Wage Act
Chapter 7 - Human Capital Formation , Rural Development , Infrastructure & Environment and Sustainable Development .
1964 - Education commission
1988 - National Literacy Mission
1952 - National Development Council
2009 - Right to Education Act
2001 - Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
2004 - Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalya (KGBV)
1969 - Nationalisaion of Commercial Bank
1955 - State Bank of India
1935 - Reserve Bank of India
1998 - Kisan Credit Card (KCC)
1986-87 - Self Help Group 1998 - Tapas Majumdar committee 1981 - Institutional sources Emerged For Rural Credit . 1970 - Operation flood (White revolution)
1991 to 2012 - Golden revolution 2013 - Montreal protocol 1974 - Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
1980 - International Union for the conservation of natural resources (IUCN)
1986 - Environment Protection Act
Chapter 8 - A Comparative Study - India ,China and Pakistan
1947 - Independence
1991 - Economic Reforms
1951 - First Five Year Plan
CHINA 1949 - Independence 1953 - First five year plan 1978 - Economic reforms 1965 - Great proletarian cultural revolution 1958- Great leap forward campaign
1979 - One Child Policy PAKISTAN 1947- Independence 1956- First five year plan 1988 - Economic reforms Early 1970's - Nationalisation of capital goods Late 1970's - Denationalisation & financial support
Development Index ( Value)
Expectancy at Birth ( Years)
Per Capita
Below Poverty Line (2004-06)
Morality Rate (Per 1000 live Birth)
Literacy Rate (Age 15 and Above)
( Based on HDI )
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